The almond is the oldest and most widely cultivated dried fruit. In the year 2500 BC, almond trees were already cultivated in Greece; and it is that its fruit has always been valued all over the world for its delicious flavor, its crunchy texture and its nutritional value.
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The almond tree is a large deciduous fruit tree with a Mediterranean climate that survives in very difficult conditions, it is very tolerant to drought, but not so much to cold. A characteristic of the almond tree is that it is not a self-pollinating tree: pollination is carried out by bees, which fly when the heat arrives and thus the pollen is properly released. Flowering takes place in March, but the fruit has a ripening period of nine months.
The almond is usually consumed whole, raw (with skin or peeled) or roasted, and can also be marketed processed in slices, granules, etc.
This dried fruit provides many benefits for our health.
It is one of the richest non-animal sources of calcium and is also characterized by the contribution of other minerals such as iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and zinc.
It has a high content of unsaturated fats (oleic acid), and its consumption helps us control triglyceride levels (reducing cholesterol) and the cardiovascular system in general.
On the other hand, almonds have a high fiber content, they are an excellent source of energy, with a high protein value and they provide antioxidants that delay aging.
It is worth noting their satiating power, so, when eaten between meals, they help control weight.
The almond is a fundamental ingredient in the Mediterranean diet, both in sweet and savory dishes, and is also widely used in Asian cuisine. Without a doubt, it is an essential food in a healthy diet, recommending consuming between 20 and 25 almonds a day.