The apricot is the fruit of the apricot tree, whose origin seems to be established in northwestern China, on the border with Russia. From there it spread to Armenia and later to Greece.
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The apricot is the fruit of the apricot tree, whose origin seems to be established in northwestern China, on the border with Russia. From there it spread to Armenia and later to Greece.
The apricot tree is a crop typical of temperate zones, especially in the Mediterranean region. It is quite resistant to periods of drought, but not to frost. The fruit is very similar to the peach in appearance and taste, but much smaller.
Once the apricots have been harvested, their pits are removed and they are stored in chambers where they are exposed to the action of sulfur dioxide. This product has two objectives: to eliminate insects and possible microorganisms, and to give the fruit a light orange color. Subsequently, they are dried in the sun, calibrated, cleaned, selected and, finally, packaged.
Apricot kernels are rich in fiber, iron and potassium, and contain vitamin B17 and carotene. They are mainly consumed as a dessert in their natural state, and are also used to make compotes, jams and juices. Once dried, it is widely consumed as a snack, in salads and in pastries.
The main producer of dried apricots is Turkey, where 85% of the world’s production comes from.