In Western cooking, ginger, dried or powdered, is traditionally restricted to sweet foods; It is used to make candies, gingerbread, to flavor cookies (such as the popular gingerbread cookies) and as the main flavoring of ginger ale or ginger ale, a sweet, carbonated and non-alcoholic drink.
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The rhizomes are used in most of the cuisines of the world through Asian cuisine. The tender rhizomes are juicy and fleshy, with a strong flavor. They are often pickled as an appetizer or simply added as an ingredient to many dishes. The mature roots are fibrous and dry. The juice of the old rhizomes is extremely pungent and is often used as a spice in Chinese cooking to mask other stronger aromas and flavors, such as seafood and lamb.
In Western cooking, ginger, dried or powdered, is traditionally restricted to sweet foods; It is used to make candies, gingerbread, to flavor cookies (such as the popular gingerbread cookies) and as the main flavoring of ginger ale or ginger ale, a sweet, carbonated and non-alcoholic drink1.