Goji berries, also known as Wolfberry/Lycium or Lycium barbarum, is a species native to Asia, originating in ancient China, known for its properties to improve longevity, eyesight, skin, strengthen the immune system, in addition to prevent cardiovascular diseases.
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Goji berries, also known as Wolfberry/Lycium or Lycium barbarum, is a species native to Asia, originating in ancient China, known for its properties to improve longevity, eyesight, skin, strengthen the immune system, in addition to prevent cardiovascular diseases.
They contain a large amount of vitamins and nutrients, amino acids, trace elements, minerals and phytosterols, which help regulate blood pressure and prevent bad cholesterol.
They are fruits of an intense red color, and in their dried fruit form, it retains most of its properties, and favors its long-term conservation.