Chickpea is a very old legume native to southwestern Turkey, from where it spread to the Mediterranean basin and Europe, and then to Africa, America and Australia. They have been cultivated since prehistory and were already consumed in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome.
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Chickpea is a very old legume native to southwestern Turkey, from where it spread to the Mediterranean basin and Europe, and then to Africa, America and Australia. They have been cultivated since prehistory and were already consumed in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome.
The chickpea needs a temperate climate to grow without problems and is one of the most cultivated edible legumes in the world. Currently, the main producing countries are India (80-90% of world production), Turkey, Pakistan, Mexico, Iran, Ethiopia, Spain, Italy and Central America. Spain is the main importer of chickpeas in the European Union.
Chickpea grains are consumed fresh, roasted, boiled, dried, etc. The crushed grains are used for making bread, dahl and soup. Sprouted grains are also eaten raw. It is also used in the preparation of fermented foods. Dried grains contain almost 30% protein. Due to its properties, chickpeas are a common ingredient in vegetarian and vegan cuisine.
Chickpeas are widely used in medicine, and are an essential food in a healthy and balanced diet: they provide complex, slow-absorbing carbohydrates (the most recommended, since they produce a gradual assimilation of glucose); they are rich in protein and very low in saturated fat, so they help regulate cholesterol; they provide large amounts of fiber, which improves intestinal transit; they contain many minerals, especially phosphorus, iron and magnesium; and they are especially rich in vitamins B1, B6 and folic acid.
The roasted chickpea comes from the Turkish white chickpea. It is usually presented only roasted, or roasted and salted, and on certain occasions with toppings and flavors. Chickpeas are classified according to size, ranging from 8.5 mm to 10 mm.